lunch clipart

Angela DeSarro

Food Services Director

(724) 573-9581, extension 2636


Pennsylvania Harvest of the Month

Pennsylvania Harvest of the Month (PA HOM) is a program developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Project Pennsylvania (Penn State University) to promote a local agricultural product each month through schools, child and adult care centers/day care homes, and summer feeding sites. The program aims to provide participants with local, healthy products while supporting PA farmers and producers.

PA Harvest of the Month

Sept 2024 PA Harvest Peppers image

The Food Services program follows guidelines set forth by the federally funded National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. It requires that the breakfast and lunch program meet specific nutritional criteria, thus ensuring that your child is provided with the nourishment his or her growing body needs. Beginning with 2012-2013 school year and the Healthy Free Hunger Act there were new school meal requirements which had to be implemented with the National School Lunch Program. The highlights are as follows:

  • Different age groups for calorie totals and meat/meat alternate and grains offered to stay within the max. weekly amount allowed.

  • Half of grains offered must be whole grain.

  • We must offer vegetables from the following sub groups each week: dark green, red/orange, legumes/beans, starchy and other vegetables. Students must choose 3 of the 5 components offered and are required to have a 1/2 Cup of fruit or vegetable to make it a reimbursable meal.

  • Everyday there is a variety of both fresh and canned fruits along with hot and fresh vegetables offered daily in a "Grab N Go" style to the students from K-12. We will continue to introduce new fruits and vegetables during the school year and offer the students a TAT or Take a Taste.